Choose a musical instrument and learn to play a new song.
I learnt how to play some songs on a guitar.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Home learning Challenge E8.
Home learning challenge C9.
A few weeks ago I went to Ruapuna with my family to watch motorsport.
Leadership Excellence Technology Blog Post 5
On Tuesday on the bus to tech I only talked to the person next to me and I spoke quietly.
At tech I was good and I did what I had to do. I am designing a car.
I have shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
I have shown the CARE value of Active Thinking by Contributing.
At tech I was good and I did what I had to do. I am designing a car.
I have shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
I have shown the CARE value of Active Thinking by Contributing.
Leadership Excellence Technology Blog Post 4
On Tuesday on the bus to tech I only talked to the person next to me and I spoke quietly.
At tech I was good and I did what I had to do. I was doing design.
I have shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
I have shown the CARE value of Active Thinking by Contributing.
At tech I was good and I did what I had to do. I was doing design.
I have shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
I have shown the CARE value of Active Thinking by Contributing.
Leadership Excellence Technology Blog Post 3
On Tuesday on the bus to tech I only talked to the person next to me and I spoke quietly.
At tech I was good and I did what I had to do
I have shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
I have shown the CARE value of Active Thinking by Contributing.
At tech I was good and I did what I had to do
I have shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
I have shown the CARE value of Active Thinking by Contributing.
Leadership Excellence Technology Blog Post 2
On Tuesday on the bus to tech I only talked to the person next to me and I spoke quietly.
At tech I was good and I did what I had to do
I have shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
I have shown the CARE value of Active Thinking by Contributing.
At tech I was good and I did what I had to do
I have shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
I have shown the CARE value of Active Thinking by Contributing.
Monday, 27 November 2017
Leadership Excellence Kapa Haka Blog Post 5
Every Friday Kapa Haka practises in the hall. We have been practising lots of songs and also the boys have been practising the haka. We also practice the actions for every song.
I have shown excellence by turning up, trying my best and being part of a group.
I have also shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
I have shown excellence by turning up, trying my best and being part of a group.
I have also shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
Leadership Excellence Kapa Haka Blog Post 4
Every Friday Kapa Haka practises in the hall. We have been practising lots of songs and also the boys have been practising the haka. We also practice the actions for every song.
I have shown excellence by turning up, trying my best and being part of a group.
I have also shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
I have shown excellence by turning up, trying my best and being part of a group.
I have also shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
Head Boy leadership excellence blog post 4
As Head Boy part of my role is being part and running student council. We meet every Wednesday and we talk about different things each week.
I have shown the Care value of respect by Listening to others.
I have shown the leadership trait of trustworthy by turning up and contributing.
I have shown the Care value of respect by Listening to others.
I have shown the leadership trait of trustworthy by turning up and contributing.
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Head Boy leadership excellence blog post 5
As Head Boy part of my role is being part and running student council. We meet on Wednesdays to discus things.
I have shown the Care value of respect by Listening to others.
I have shown the leadership trait of trustworthy by turning up and contributing.
I have shown the Care value of respect by Listening to others.
I have shown the leadership trait of trustworthy by turning up and contributing.
Friday, 29 September 2017
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Writing - Write an effective argument for our chosen political party.
Build ten more roads of national significance.
National would build ten new Roads of National Significance. The ten new Roads would be Wellsford to Whangarei, the East West Link in Auckland, Cambridge to Tirau, Piarere to the foot of the Kaimai Range, Tauranga to Katikati, Napier to Hastings, Manawatu Gorge, Levin to Sanson, the Christchurch Northern Motorway, and Christchurch to Ashburton. They will be Improving, constructing or extending State Highways that are important and also to reduce congestion. Have you ever got stuck in traffic? People can get to places faster and safer. Unsafe roads leads to more crashes I think this is a good policy. Another important roading policy is to continue to improve the safety of high risk rural state highways.
National will continue to improve the safety of high-risk rural State Highways as part of the Safe Roads and Roadsides programme.They would have flexible road safety barriers, wide centerlines, widened shoulders, rumble strips and turnaround bays at about 90 high-risk sites on rural State Highways in 14 regions across New Zealand. Roads would be safer for people and also there would be more room on roads so you and people you love can stay safe. I think this is a good policy.Another good policy is Tighten freedom camping rules and increase funding for tourism infrastructure.
Tighten freedom camping rules and increase funding for tourism infrastructure
National would tighten freedom camping rules. All non self-contained vehicles would be restricted to areas within easy walking distance from toilet facilities. Do you ever see rubbish lying around lake and rivers making nz look terrible? well this would make NZ cleaner. Those are things I agree with and these are things I don't agree with.
Here is a policy from Labour that I don’t agree with will Charge tax for the large scale of commercial use of water I think this is a bad policy. They will charge tax for ant large use of water. It is charging tax for drinks and also food companies use water so there would be tax on that. It would cost companies millions and then however it would cost more for food and drinks. So there is a policy I don’t agree with and now I will summarise my opinions.
Clearly I have said why National is the best party to vote for. They have good policies in Transport and Economy. I have talked about three good policies from transport and economy. You know who I would vote for but who would you vote for?
My next steps are: Add more emotive language
Friday, 22 September 2017
Koru Games Reflection
In the Koru Games the sport I competed in was football
Our team won six games
I found the experience to be ok because for the last 4 games we won with our 4 defenders, 3 midfielders, 1 striker and a goalie.
I found the experience to be ok because for the last 4 games we won with our 4 defenders, 3 midfielders, 1 striker and a goalie.
In terms of working with Individuals and Groups; my solo level is relational because I haven't reflected yet but by the end of this blog post it will be Extended Abstract
For Teamwork; my solo level is Extended abstract because I can do what it is.
Individuals and groups
I need help to work in a group (with teachers or other students
I can work in a group with my friends.
I can work in a group with anyone in my year level or team
I can respond positively to the needs of others
I can reflect on how well I work with the group and seek feedback on how I can improve
I need help to interact with others.
I need help to participate in a team.
I can interact with others one to one.
I can participate in a team.
I can interact with others in a small group.
I can participate and take responsibility in a team.
I can participate and take responsibility in a team and explain my choices in terms of team outcomes.
I can participate in creating healthy teams by taking responsibility and critical action.
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
In Writing we have been learning to: Write a formal letter.
We have followed the writing process and have planned and drafted a formal letter.
Here is a link to our online Modelling book.
This shows the process that we have followed.
Here is the letter that I have written
Here is my reflection on the letter writing that we have done.
One thing that I found challenging about writing formal letters was getting the layout right.
My next step is: look for more opportunities to put my letter writing knowledge into practice in the future.
We have followed the writing process and have planned and drafted a formal letter.
Here is a link to our online Modelling book.
This shows the process that we have followed.
Here is the letter that I have written
Here is my reflection on the letter writing that we have done.
One thing that I found challenging about writing formal letters was getting the layout right.
My next step is: look for more opportunities to put my letter writing knowledge into practice in the future.
Leadership Excellence Technology Blog Post 1
On Tuesday on the bus to tech I only talked to the person next to me and I spoke quietly.
At tech I was good and I did what I had to do
I have shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
I have shown the CARE value of Active Thinking by Contributing.
At tech I was good and I did what I had to do
I have shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
I have shown the CARE value of Active Thinking by Contributing.
Thursday, 24 August 2017
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Term 2 Book Review
Holden the great years the great cars
This book is about the Holden monaro, torana and commodore.
It includes a page for each year of racing in the ATCC (Australian touring car championship) and V8 supercars Australia and it also has pages about holdens in the WTCC (Word touring car championship). All the performance stats of the different engines and cars are in the book.
I think it is a good book because it has lots of facts and good pictures.
This book is about the Holden monaro, torana and commodore.
It includes a page for each year of racing in the ATCC (Australian touring car championship) and V8 supercars Australia and it also has pages about holdens in the WTCC (Word touring car championship). All the performance stats of the different engines and cars are in the book.
I think it is a good book because it has lots of facts and good pictures.
Monday, 17 July 2017
Thursday, 6 July 2017
Head Boy leadership excellence blog post 3
As Head Boy part of my role is being part and running student council. We meet every Wednesday and we talk about different things each week. At the moment we are organising an Ice Cream Day so the Year 7/8 are doing most and the others are helping out.
I have shown the Care value of respect by Listening to others.
I have shown the leadership trait of trustworthy by turning up and contributing.
I have shown the Care value of respect by Listening to others.
I have shown the leadership trait of trustworthy by turning up and contributing.
Kapa kaka leadership excellence blog post 3
On Wednesday for the Open Day Kapa Haka preformed some songs. I did the calls for the start of each song. We sang Haere Mai, the school waiata, Ka Waitata and a few more.
I have shown respect by being part of Kapa Haka
I have shown the leadership trait of trustworthy by turning up and trying my best..
I have shown respect by being part of Kapa Haka
I have shown the leadership trait of trustworthy by turning up and trying my best..
Term 2 Novel Study
Term 2 Novel Study
This term I have been reading and studying the novel silver stream
I found this novel ok because the first part was boring but it got a bit better
During the novel I had to complete a thinking map which shows that I can classify how the author has shown the theme of the book.
National Standard this covers
- Year 9/10 Standard
- I can locate, evaluate, analyse and summarise information and ideas within texts and across a range of texts.
- I have a large vocabulary that is connected to my own knowledge about the world and includes: - academic e.g observe vs watch - subject-specific (specific words about a subject (e.g feline) - technical terms (specialised vocabulary of a particular field.)
Overall I would give this novel a rating of 3/10 and I would not recommend it to others to read because it is ok but I don't like it because it is quite boring.
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
In ARTS this term we have been learning to:
Select and use techniques and relevant technologies to develop drama practice.
Here is a link to our online modelling book.
During this unit of learning we:
Described the characteristics of silent performances.
Identified different techniques used in silent performances.
Used these techniques in a variety of different practice situations.
Worked in a small group to put together our own silent performance.
The most challenging part of this unit of learning was being silent because it was hard to not talk and laugh during the performances.
The two things that I enjoyed the most were:
Being able to create a performance
Practising our performance.
The story that my group told silently was a story where a homeless guy stole a taser from a policeman and the police chased him and put him in a police car.
Overall I think my group worked well together because we did all of the work on time and we made a good silent performance.
Select and use techniques and relevant technologies to develop drama practice.
Here is a link to our online modelling book.
During this unit of learning we:
Described the characteristics of silent performances.
Identified different techniques used in silent performances.
Used these techniques in a variety of different practice situations.
Worked in a small group to put together our own silent performance.
The most challenging part of this unit of learning was being silent because it was hard to not talk and laugh during the performances.
The two things that I enjoyed the most were:
Being able to create a performance
Practising our performance.
The story that my group told silently was a story where a homeless guy stole a taser from a policeman and the police chased him and put him in a police car.
Overall I think my group worked well together because we did all of the work on time and we made a good silent performance.
Current Events Term 2, 2017
WALT: I can successfully research a current event.
Here is a link to our online modelling book for this unit of learning.
The National Standard that I have been aiming for during this unit of learning is:
Year 9/10: I can read in different ways to find and/or understand information that that is not immediately easy to access or is not organised in familiar ways.
Each week we have to read a short text about a current event/ topic. We then formed questions based on what we had read. After this we researched the answers to our questions and finally we gave our opinions on what we had found out.
Here is some evidence of my learning.
Describe Map One
Describe map Two
My Next Step is to continue to apply the reading and research skills that I have learned in a variety of other areas.
Here is a link to our online modelling book for this unit of learning.
The National Standard that I have been aiming for during this unit of learning is:
Year 9/10: I can read in different ways to find and/or understand information that that is not immediately easy to access or is not organised in familiar ways.
Each week we have to read a short text about a current event/ topic. We then formed questions based on what we had read. After this we researched the answers to our questions and finally we gave our opinions on what we had found out.
Here is some evidence of my learning.
Describe Map One
Describe map Two
My Next Step is to continue to apply the reading and research skills that I have learned in a variety of other areas.
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Home Learning Challenge E5. Research your family history. Present your findings to your family.
For this home learning challenge I Researched my family history and made a family tree.
Head Boy leadership excellence blog post 2
As Head Boy part of my role is being part and running student council. The student council meets every Wednesday and we talk about ways that we could help out around the school. We have also been discussing about fundraising ideas.
I have shown the CARE value of Active Thinking by Contributing to group discussions.
I have also shown the Leadership trait of Trustworthy by turning up and taking part in it.
I have shown the CARE value of Active Thinking by Contributing to group discussions.
I have also shown the Leadership trait of Trustworthy by turning up and taking part in it.
Leadership Excellence Kapa Haka Blog Post 2
Every Friday Kapa Haka practises in the hall. We have been practising lots of songs and also the boys have been practising the haka. We also practice the actions for every song.
I have shown excellence by turning up, trying my best and being part of a group.
I have also shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
I have shown excellence by turning up, trying my best and being part of a group.
I have also shown the leadership trait of Goal focused by not giving up and giving it my all.
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
I can evaluate writers’ purposes and consider how they have used structure and language to suit these purposes. (Eg: I can make decisions about why the writer has written a piece of writing and how they have used particular structures and words to meet the purpose.(Reading)
Level 5 - Authors’ Purpose Map
| ||
I can describe the author’s purpose in a text
I can identify several features of the author’s purpose
The author’s purpose is…
The point of view is…
The intended audience is...
I can identify several features of the author’s purpose; and explain giving relevant examples and evidence.
What does it say in the text to show you that:
The author’s purpose is…
P? I? E?
The author’s purpose is to inform
1.the prey only provided the plant with essential nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous,
2.the carbon dioxide emitted during respiration was derived from the prey being digested, not from photosynthesis conducted by the plant.
3.the carbon dioxide emitted during respiration was derived from the prey being digested, not from photosynthesis conducted by the plant.
The point of view is…
Third person
2.A team led by Dr. Heinz Rennenberg and Lukas Fasbender
3.However, scientists thought
The intended audience is...
Young adults
1.Grades 5-8
2. It has some difficult words that some people wouldn’t understand.
3.scientific journal New Phytologist because little kid wouldn’t know what that is.
I can generalise about the author’s point of view
Overall the author informs you well because they have good facts up because they back them up.
L5 Author’s Purpose follow up
I can describe the author's purpose in relation to structure and language choices in a text and give relevant evidence (eg vocabulary used)
I can compare and contrast differences in the author's purpose in relation to structure and language choices between different texts.
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Text:World’s Largest Artificial Sun
The author’s purpose is I inform
The specific language/ structure choices that the author has made to support their purpose are facts, technical language
It has pictures and videos
Specific language choices in the 3 texts:
Structure of the 3 texts:
They all have facts and technical language and language about the topic.
They all describe the topic.
They have pictures and video
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The author’s purpose is inform
The specific language/ structure choices that the author has made to support their purpose are facts, technical language
It has pictures and videos
| ||
Text:Can giant pumps help refreeze the Artic
The author’s purpose is
The specific language/ structure choices that the author has made to support their purpose are facts, technical language. It has emotive language
It has pictures and videos
They all have different language about different topics
They have different amounts of words and pictures.
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Monday, 26 June 2017
Careers Education C.V. Writing
In CAREERS EDUCATION we have been learning to write a skills based Curriculum Vitae.
A skills based C.V. focuses more on the skills that we have, rather than our work history.
Here is a link to our online Modelling Book that shows the process we have followed.
Three things that I have learned about writing a Curriculum Vitae are:
- It needs to be slept correctly
- A C.V needs to be formatted correctly
- It needs to be true
Here is a link to my Skills based Curriculum Vitae.
Sunday, 25 June 2017
Home Learning Challenge R7. Research one of the 7 wonders of the world
Leadership Excellence Kapa Haka Blog Post 1
On Friday kapa haka practised we practised five songs for a performance that we will be doing soon,Some of the songs were the school waiata and Ka waiata.
We also practised the actions for all of them.
I have shown excellence by trying my best and being part of a group.
I have also shown the leadership trait of trustworthy because I have shown up every week and contributed well.
We also practised the actions for all of them.
I have shown excellence by trying my best and being part of a group.
I have also shown the leadership trait of trustworthy because I have shown up every week and contributed well.
Leadership Council visit, Leadership Excellence blog post
A few weeks ago the student leaders caught the bus to the city to visit the Christchurch City Council Buildings. When we got there we went into a room and we watched a presentation about the council and what they do.
I was surprised about things like the amount of water used per day. Then some people that work in different areas of the council came and we got into groups of 3 and went to the area they work in. The person my group went with worked in resource consent.
I have shown leadership and the CARE values by using active thinking because I problem solved in my group in activities
I have shown leadership and the CARE values by using active thinking because I problem solved in my group in activities
Friday, 9 June 2017
Maths Reason with Linear Proportions
WALT: Reason with linear proportions
I have been learning 3 WALTS
Write the answers the problems here (and show your working).
A. 120ml
B. There’s 400ml in pineapple punch and 120 ml in hawaiian. So that mean that there is more pineapple juice in pineapple punch
C. 250ml
75ml of coconut juice
150 ml of mango juice
75ml of orange juice
- Tiny Hawaiian 100ml = 20ml orange, 40 ml pineapple and 40 ml mango
- Giant tropical 2L
500 ml of coconut juice
1L of Mango juice
500 ml of orange juice
Sunday, 7 May 2017
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
Term 1 Book Review
World Cricket Records

This book is about cricket, it has all the records and facts for every form of cricket.
All the test teams have their own page of facts and records. And it includes bowling, batting fielding records for Tests, ODI's and T20's. Also there are a few pages for domestic cricket and the IPL
I think that it is a really good book because it has lots of facts
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
In Maths we have been learning to:
- compare and describe the variation between theoretical and experimental distributions in situations that involve elements of chance.
- calculate probabilities, using fractions, percentages, and ratios.
Here is some evidence of my learning.
- Include screenshots for all 4 of the IXL activities.
My next step is to continue to apply my knowledge of statistics and probability in a variety of real world situations and contexts.
Current Events Term 1
Current Events Term 1
In Current Events I covered these topics:
The design of the Halswell Skate Park and I made a submission to the council.
Donald Trump’s Refugee Plan
Christchurch Earth Memorial
The new Ngā Puna Wai Sports Facility
The Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan with a submission to the council.
My favourite topic was the Halswell Skate Park because we got to send a submission with our ideas to the council
Here is a link to my learning on the Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan.
The Reading National Standards I have achieved are
Year 9/10
As I read I can make decisions about the usefulness of the text for the purpose - Eg: by using a variety of criteria to evaluate
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